Statistics from State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012 FAO

1 in 8 in the world are undernourished p8undernourishment in the developing countries goal of MDG is 11.6 percentSouth-Eastern Asia (especially Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia) from 26.9% to 10.9% (from 27 to 11% "has shown most rapid reduction" from 90/92 to 10-12 (8) See Table 1.1, p. 48Remaining questions: p. 10 says cannot capture FAO says "the methodology measures chronic undenourishment.... does not fully capture the effects of price spikes." (p.10). [Lappe: But, the "spikes" became long term terms as Food Price Index stayed high..."...almost 80% percent of the populations of 52 mainly low- and middle-income countries consumed less than the minimum recommended levels of fruits and vegetables' p. 23 ..."econnomic growth leads to improvements in the composition of diets, and ultimately, better nutrition." p 20.."percentage of underweight (low weight for age) declined from 25 percent in 1990 to 16 percent in 2010." p. 23... stunting (low height for age) has decreased globally from 39 to 26 percent over same period." [Lappe paraphrase: so one in four children in the world is physically stunted from poor nutrition P. 23]]"Childhood malnutrition is an underlying cause of death in an estimated 35 percent of all deaths among children under the age of five." p 23 [source: Global Health Observatory,]"Micronutrient deficiencies ("hidden hunger") still affect over 30 percent of hte world's population." p. 23"State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012," FAO, Rome,