Share of solar & wind power increased to 25% in 2014, R&D budget was 10.2%. It continues to

due to the high expenses of nuclear power that wind and solar power have taken up to 'alternative' mantle.
"From a peak of 17.6 per cent in 1996, nuclear’s share of global power production capacity has since fallen to 10.8 per cent, according to the Institute."
"Since 2000, the share of renewable power was 18.7 per cent: in 2012 the two sources accounted for 22.7 per cent of all power production, and that figure is likely to have reached almost 25 per cent by 2014."
total capacity of nuclear power has slightly declined from 375.3GW in 2010 to 371.8GW.
For solar power, the total capacity is more than 140GW but it rises rapidly according to IEA. and the average investment in solar power is $37 billion per year from 2000 to 2013, however for nuclear the number is only $8 billion.
"For renewable energies, the average share of R&D budget for these countries over that same period was just 10.2 per cent, but that share has increased every year since 1974." (The IEA says that the US, most European countries, Canada, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia still funnel the lion’s share of their public energy research and development (R&D) budgets into nuclear power, attracting 51 per cent of R&D spending in these countries between 1974 and 2012 (a figure of nearly $300 billion).But at least this trend appears to be declining – in 1974 that figure was 73.6 per cent; today, it is just 26 per cent.)
The Worldwatch Institute found that just 31 countries globally operate nuclear reactors on their territories, compared to 85 countries that have commercial wind turbines installed, and more than 100 nations that have solar PV arrays installed at capacity.
"Solar, wind grabbing more of nuclear energy share, study finds: Worldwatch Institute finds that energy generation capacity from solar and wind power is eating into nuclear power's global energy share." PV magazine, October 7, 2014,