Income inequality increased in the past quarter century in most parts of the world

"As income inequality increased in the past quarter century in most parts of the world.......
This feeling that the incomes of the rich and the poor have diverged in part reflects reality: between the 1980s and mid-2000s, income inequality rose significantly in countries as diverse as China, India, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. ............................... has risen from around 35 to the low 40s in the United States, from 32 to 35 in India, from 30 to 37 in the United Kingdom, from less than 30 to 45 in both Russia and China, and from 22 to 29 in famously egalitarian Sweden.
According to the OECD, during the same time frame, the Gini coefficient increased in 16 out of 20 rich countries. The situation was no different in the emerging market economies: in addition to in India and China, it rose in Indonesia, South Africa, and all the post-Communist countries."
Branko Milanovic, Inequality and its Discontents Why So Many Feel Left Behind, Foreign Affairs, August 12, 2011
[verified 4/17/14]