Pastoralists working collectively help reduce environmental impact of livestock in Eritrea in 2014

" Over 32 kebabi land use plans have been developed to strategically manage the identified environmental and crop/livestock production issues. Community participants use visual tools such as community maps and photographs in drafting the plans.
"Through the project we have trained many farmers and pastoralists to manage the natural resource base collectively. This is leading to a shift in behaviour that will help to increase productivity in the region," said Hamed Haidara, IFAD country project manager. Another remarkable example from the CLMP is the delineation of Voluntary Livestock Exclusion Areas including temporally and permanent fenced enclosures to allow the regeneration of forage and pasture.
The location of the enclosures are carefully selected on the basis of the community's decision, and their management is assigned to voluntary guards who safeguard against any human and animal encroachment.
The project has reached 94,000 households and 470,000 individuals. Encouragingly, it has triggered the adoption of a community-based approach to rejuvenate a once widely forested landscape
International Fund for Agricultural Development.