Local economies in Burkina Faso

Civic groups began bringing visitors to the area, helping to spread the approach. Then a local farmer started what he called an Association for the Promotion of Zaï, and he now holds an annual “zaï market,” attracting farmers from about 100 villages who share their experiences. In a nearby area, another farmer began a “zaï school”; and now his district association of zaï schools claims about a thousand members.
Daniel Kabore and Chris Reij, “The Emergence and Spreading of an Improved Traditional Soil and Water Conservation Practice in Burkina Faso,” Environmental and Production Technology Division o f the International Food Policy Research Institute, Environment and Production Technology Dividsion, Discussion Paper No. 114, February 2004, 2. Accessed on 2/23/09 at www.ifpri.org/divs/eptd/dp/papers/eptdp114.pdf - pages 5-6