Africa and N America have same # cattle per person; but Africans get 1/3 as many calories from them

Africa has about the same number of cattle per person North America has, yet Africans, on average, get only about one-third as many calories from them [not a quote]
[CATTLE PER PERSON; AFRICA & NORTH AMERICA]Calculated from FAOSTAT, (Production, Live Animals, Regions: Africa, Element: Stocks, Item: Cattle, Year: 2012; accessed July 22, 2014),; Calculated from FAOSTAT, (Production, Live Animals, Regions: Northern America, Element: Stocks, Item: Cattle, Year: 2012; accessed July 22, 2014),; FAOSTAT, (Annual Population, Regions: Africa, Element: Total Population – Both Sexes (1000), Items: Population – Est. & Proj., Year: 2012; accessed July 22, 2014),; FAOSTAT, (Annual Population, Regions: Northern America, Element: Total Population – Both Sexes (1000), Items: Population – Est. & Proj., Year: 2012; accessed July 22, 2014), [EN Calculations: Africa Cattle Population (297,763,483) / Human Population (1,083,525,000) = 0.2748 cattle/person; Northern America Cattle Population (102,948,210) / Northern America Human Population (352,471,000) = 0.2922 cattle/person.]
[CALORIES FROM BOVINE MEAT; AFRICA & NORTHERN AMERICA] FAOSTAT, (Food Balance Sheets, Countries: Africa, Year: 2011, Single Items: Bovine Meat, Per Capita Supply, Kcal/day; accessed July 22, 2014),; FAOSTAT, (Food Balance Sheets, Countries: Northern America, Year: 2011, Single Items: Bovine Meat, Per Capita Supply, Kcal/day; accessed July 22, 2014), [Africa: Bovine Meat = 32 Kcal/day; Northern America: Bovine Meat = 101 Kcal/day.]