Synthetic fertilizers expanded five-and-a-half fold since 1961; Nitrogen fertilizer expanded nine-fo

Total NPK consumption for the world (in thousands of tonnes of nutrients): 1961-2011 2011=176,173.8 1961=31,658.2 Math: 176173.8/31658.2=5.56 ~ five-and-a-half-fold increase in world consumption of total fertilizer
Total Nitrogen consumption for the world (in thousands of tonnes of nutrients)1961-2011 2011=108,159.7 1961=11,784.4 Math: 108159.7/11,784.4=9.17 ~ nine-fold increase in world consumption of nitrogen fertilizer
TOTAL FERTILIZER: Calculated from IFADATA, (Activity: Consumption, Region: World, Year: 1961-2011, Total N+P2O5+K2O; accessed May 5, 2014), NITROGEN FERTILIZER: Calculated from IFADATA, (Activity: Consumption, Region: World, Year: 1961-2011, Product: Nitrogen Total; accessed May 5, 2014),