If Cleveland utilizes vacant land it will enhance food self-reliance and save $29 million to $115 mi

Ohio State University researchers Sharanbir and Parwinder Grewal conducted a study to determine if Cleveland could achieve self-reliance in the provision of several key foods. In this city of ~400,000, there are ore than 18,000 vacant lots, or about 3,500 acres of vacant land. The study focused on foods suited to urban production: vegetables, fruits, chickens, and honey. The study concludes that if 78 percent of available vacant land, 7.2 percent of every occupied residential parcel, and industrial or commercial rooftops were utilized, Cleveland could provide 46-100 percent of produce, 94 percent of poultry and eggs, and 100 percent of honey. This assumes preservation of produce for winter months and six chickens per city parcel as stipulated by the city's zoning legislation. The authors also estimate that "enhanced food self-reliance would result in $29 million to $115 million being retained in Cleveland.
Brad Masi, Janet Fiskio, and Md Rumi Shammin, "Urban Agriculture in Rust Belt Cities," Solutions, January-February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1: p 48