United States ranks last among all Western Democracies in national elections for fairness.

United States ranks last among all Western Democracies in national elections for fairness For free and fair elections, the U.S. ranked at 28, behind Lithuania. "Variety of Democracies (V-Dem): V-Dem gauges the quality of elections using dozens of indicators such as those concerning voting rights, campaign media, the extent of any problems of opposition boycotts and violence, and the capacity of the electoral officials. For a summary measure, V-Dem asks its expert respondents: “Taking all aspects of the pre-election period, election day, and the post-election process into account, would you consider this national election to be free and fair?” Responses to this item, averaged for the period from 2000 to 2012, can be analyzed in 161 countries. ... in terms of free and fair elections, the United States again displayed the worst performance among all Western democracies."
Source: Pippa Norris. "U.S. Elections Rank Last Among All Western Democracies," The Electoral Integrity Project, January 7, 2017, https://www.electoralintegrityproject.com/eip-blogs/2017/1/7/its-even-wo...