Cooperative Facts

29,000 cooperatives operate in every sector of the U.S. economy.
1 billion people are members of cooperatives worldwide.
1 in 3 Americans are co-op members holding 350 million co-op memberships worldwide.
U.S. cooperatives generate 2 million jobs each year, contribute $652 billion in annual sales, and possess $3 trillion in assets.
92 million Americans turn to 7,500 credit unions – which are cooperatives – for their financial services.
Most of the America’s 2 million farmers are farmer co-op members providing 250,000 jobs and $8 billion in annual wages.
1.2 million U.S. families of all income levels live in homes owned and operated through cooperatives.
42 million Americans rely on electricity from 900 rural electric co-ops in 47 states – making up 42% of the nation’s electric distribution and covering 75% of our land mass.
233 million people are served by co-op-owned and affiliated insurance companies.
1.2 million rural Americans are served by 260 telephone cooperatives in 31 states.
50,000 U.S. families rely on cooperative daycare facilities and preschools for the care of their children.